
And now we wait...

Well, we haven't heard anything yet from the court, the landlords, or their lawyers. I left a message for the landlords the other day, indicating my intent and ability (thank you, boss!) to pay everything that we should have paid this month.


What we're afraid of is that there may be a sheriff on the doorstep Tuesday morning after I've left for work. What we're hoping is that Tuesday's mail will contain a notice from the court that we have a month to find new digs.

Please cross your fingers for the latter.

Meanwhile, we do have sort of a backup, in that our friend has offered to sublet her Vallejo place to us if we have to get out pronto. It's small, with ancient wiring, and would do ugly things to my commute, but it does beat a homeless shelter - especially because the latter wouldn't let us keep the cats.

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