
The House-Hunt Scramble

So our friend D and I spent most of yesterday and today running around half the county. looking at places and taking down numbers for more. I put in two applications today, and should hear from at least one of them tomorrow. Cross your fingers for us!

I also left lots of messages at places whose offices were closed, and should get some call-backs on those tomorrow as well.

I am so wound up tonight I can hardly think, but pretty soon I need to have some supper and then start cleaning up and packing some things. We have a guy lined up to do most of the packing and hauling for us - a friend of D's - we just have to tell him when. If one of today's places works out, we'll be able to move in right away, so we'll hire a truck to haul it all from here to there. If not, then we'll hire a pod to stash everything in until we do have a new place. Obviously, we're hoping for the former - just to be done with it. If it's the latter, then we'll probably have to board the cats and take a cheap hotel room while we keep looking.

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