
The Trouble With Titles....

...is that they so often bear no resemblance to the contents of the blog. Grrrr....

I like to check the "recently updated blogs" section of the Dashboard page, just to see who's out there writing what. All well and good, you say....right. So I hit the link for one called "Kill All Hats", thinking this will be something quirky and whimsical. I like offbeat humor; I'm like that, okay? The page loads, and I'm faced with a page full of Google dumps. Why, people? Why?

I hit another cool-sounding title, only to find that the title is the only part of the blog that's in English; the rest is in some other language, and about half the time, in some other alphabet! Please! If you're not going to write in English, that's fine. Sometimes I enjoy seeing how much of my school Spanish or French remains in my brain. But if you're not writing in English, why use it for the title?

And while I'm at it, what's with these little java app windows that load in front of the page so that you have to click on each and every one of the little fuckers before you can see the blog itself? And the pages that are so crammed full of separate little frames that you can't read it anyway when you get there?

I'm just saying....


Junky Nurse said...

any news on your case?

Andrea J. said...

ummm...which case?

Junky Nurse said...

domestic partnership?

Andrea J. said...

Ah, yes. Well, I had to go ahead and fill out the forms, of course. But now at least we've got our benefits. I'll still have to pay income tax on the premiums for her coverage as if it were income to me, and hope I can get at least some of it back when I file my 2005 return. ~sigh~

If the government would just go a ahead and legalize same-sex marriage, life would be so much more straightforward.